How to Add Product( Bulk or single) to Lumi Business Inventory

How to Add Product( Bulk or single) to Lumi Business Inventory

Creating products within your Lumi Business Inventory is a pivotal step towards efficient business management. This guide equips you with the know-how to seamlessly add products, ensuring optimal organization and presentation. To embark on this journey, follow the steps outlined below:

Step 1: Prerequisites for Product Addition

Before diving into product creation, ensure you've established a store and relevant categories within Lumi Business Inventory.

Step 2: Adding Products – Your Options

Lumi Business offers two distinct avenues for adding products: individual items and multiple products via a CSV template. Here's how to excel in both realms:

A)  Single Products:

  1. On your dashboard, find and select 'Products.'
  2. Initiate the process by clicking 'Add New Product.'
  3. Opt for 'Single Product' within the overlay.
  4. Depending on your business nature, choose between 'Products' for tangible goods or 'Service' for services. For our illustration, we focus on a computer store, thus 'Product' is our choice.
  5. Fill in crucial product details:
  1. Product Name: Identify the item or item series.
  2. Category Selection: Place the product in its appropriate category.
  3. Product SKU: Assign a unique identifier.
  4. Product Unit: Choose the measurement unit (e.g., pieces, kilograms, etc.).
  5. Store Selection: Indicate the store(s) where the product will be available.
  6. Image Upload: Enhance the product's appeal by uploading an image.
  7. Decide whether the product has variants. For non-variant products, fill in details and finalize the creation.
  8. For variant products, provide variant specifics like cost price, selling price, and stock quantity. If needed, click 'Add Another' for more variants.
  9. Ultimately, click 'Create Product' to bring your creation to life.

B) Multiple Products:

  1. Instead of the step A3, opt for 'Multiple Product.'
  2. Access the provided template by clicking the corresponding link.
  3. Open the template and commence editing from column 2. Column 1 holds headers and must remain unaltered for smooth upload.
  4. Note: Avoid special characters during data input.
  5. Populate product details column by column, aligning with the image illustration.
  6. Save your file as a CSV and, as per B2, choose 'Upload Bulk Product CSV' to initiate the file upload.
  7. Witness the successful addition of your products.

For a comprehensive visual walkthrough, consult the linked video below.

If any challenges arise or further guidance is sought, don't hesitate to connect with our support team at Empower your product management journey with Lumi Business Inventory today!